Alicia Michaels from Brooklyn, New York, Showed Us Her Incredible Results with Our Latest Product!

"Within a short time of wearing this bra, I was able to get incredible results in my weight loss journey! This product really helped me burn off fat and shed my excess weight! I feel so light and so much better! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"

Cher Watson, from Reno, Nevada, showed us her experience with our product:

"I have been struggling with my sagging arm skin since I entered menopause. Especially on my arms. Every time I moved them, they were loose and wobbly, making me feel embarrassed and awkward.But within 3 weeks of wearing this bra, I got the results I wanted. My arms became slimmer and slimmer. Now my daughter is also wearing this bra and has been using it for 2 weeks and I can see the change in her every week! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"

Why does Fat Get Stored in the Belly Faster?
Many women will notice an increase in belly fat as they get older. Even if they aren't gaining weight. This can be caused by poor circulation and the metabolism slowing down when getting older.

Poor Digestive and Blood Circulation can all speed up fat being stored in the belly. Poor digestion and circulation slow down the body's metabolism and organ function. When your organs aren't in their best shape, it slows down calorie burn and weight loss, which results to more fat deposits in your belly.
The Role of IONs in Weight Loss
IONs do an incredible job of improving the body's blood flow and circulation. It provides the whole body and all the organs with the oxygen and nutrients they need to function at their best.

It also helps boost and better the body's digestive function. This allows the body to burn calories faster, break them down efficiently, and convert them into usable energy that we can use to work out and exercise. Further increasing the rate at which we lose weight.

What does the ANGELAIR™ Ice Silk Ion Fiber Restoration Shaping Bra do, and how does it work?

Our ANGELAIR™ Ice Silk Ion Fiber Restoration Shaping Bra is laced with a comfortable Unique Fiber that radiates IONs that help with weight loss all over the body. It also has body-forming properties that help you get the perfect shape you want for your body without much effort!

Breast health issues are commonly seen in females such as breast hyperplasia(ductal or lobular), breast cysts, fibroadenoma, breast calcification, and swollen breast lymph nodes.etc.
Boost Breasts and Improve Blood Circulation

Once breast diseases are not taken care of, they may deteriorate into breast cancer.To prevent breast disease and sagging breasts.The ANGELAIR™ Ice Silk Ion Fiber Restoration Shaping Bra has been proven to help and resolve breast disease and Prevents sagging.There are about 400 key tourmaline points. Tourmaline embellished with magnets can promote blood circulation and unblock meridians. They release negative ions to activate cells and keep women's breasts healthy, thus improving overall health of one’s body.

"I've always wanted to wear more revealing clothes, like a dress with an open neckline, but I've never really had the confidence to do so. Usually, I just wear oversized jackets to cover my breasts. I was browsing online and came across this ANGELAIR™ Ice Silk Ion Fiber Restoration Shaping Bra and it changed my life. They say curiosity killed the cat, but it gave me all the more reason to live I noticed that my breasts not only got firmer, but they got bigger in just one month! That's the ANGELAIR™ shaping bra! With this it, I didn't need to wear any padded push-up bras or break the bank to get surgery. It helped me to make my body shape sexier and firmer."--Marguerite, 28, New York
What Makes ANGELAIR™ Ice Silk Ion Fiber Restoration Shaping Bra the Perfect Solution?

✅ Promotes Weight Loss
✅ Helps Burn Fat
✅ Boosts Blood Flow & Circulation
✅ Improves Digestive Function
✅ Shapes and Forms Breasts
✅ Radiates IONs
✅ Prevents Bacterial Build-Up
✅ AAA Grade Antibacterial MicroNylon Material
✅ Seamless Design
Here are more of our satisfied customers who loved the ANGELAIR™ Ice Silk Ion Fiber Restoration Shaping Bra:
Claire Sun, from Cincinnati, Ohio, showed us her experience with our product:

"I was in shock after using this! I lost so much weight and look so much more curvier in such a short time! It was like a miracle! I cannot contain my excitement and joy using this product. Any girl on a weight loss mission should get this! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"

Melinda Hall, from San Francisco, California, showed us her experience with our product:

"I can't believe the transformation I have seen from this product. In just two weeks, I have seen a significant improvement in the appearance of my waist and thigh circumference. This product is truly effective and I will continue to use it to achieve my fitness goals! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"

Package Includes

- 1x ANGELAIR™ Ice Silk Ion Fiber Restoration Shaping Bra(Black/Beige/Pink/Blue)